When it comes to the biggest tech companies in the world, women are still vastly underrepresented. These companies are making strides toward gender equality, but there’s still a long way to go.

In an effort to better understand where we stand and how we can improve, we’ve crunched the numbers so you don’t have to. This infographic breaks down the percentage of women workforce and women in leadership roles and in tech roles across five major tech companies – the Big Tech or the Tech Giants or the GAFAM group (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft). The data was collected from each company’s latest available workforce and diversity reports.

Google has 33.9% of women in its overall global workforce. Apple has a total of 34.8% female workforce. Facebook has a slightly better ratio at 36.7%, but Amazon tops them all with 44.8% female employees. Microsoft comes in last place with a measly 30.9%.

But even more shocking than these overall numbers is the underrepresentation among leadership roles: none of the Big Tech companies have a woman CEO!

While Amazon tops the figures in its overall women employees, it comes last in terms of leadership positions overall with only 23.1% female leaders; Microsoft has 24.4%; Google has 30.6%; Apple has 31.4% and Facebook comes first at 35.5%.

As the graphic indicates, there is a staggering gap between the number of men and women working in tech roles at these giant companies. The metric plays between 24.4% and 25.9%. The highest percentage of women in tech roles is at Google (25.9%). Although Microsoft has the lowest rate of women employees, it has the second-highest rate of women in tech jobs at 25%, Facebook comes close at 24.8% while Apple has the lowest percentage (24.4%). Amazon has no available data on numbers on the rate of women in tech roles specifically.

While we’ll always advocate for increasing diversity in any field, we’re especially excited about the potential impact of more women in tech roles at these companies. We’ve seen what a difference having a strong female presence can make—and we’re looking forward to seeing more of them!


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